Olaf Scholz i diskussion med Friedrich Merz efter budgeten lagts.

Tysklands vägval mellan världskrig eller fred – Tyska läkaruppropet.

Tysklands vägval mellan världskrig och fred. Det är den 16.12 som det ska bli omröstning i tyska Förbundsdagen om misstroendeförklaringen mot förbundskansler Scholz som motsätter sig leveranser av tyska Taurusrobotar till Ukraina. Tyska läkaruppropet kräver att partierna Alternativ för Tyskland -AfD och Bund Sahra Wagenknecht ställer sig bakom Scholz för att undgå kärnvapenkrig. Samtidigt fortsätter Sverige och Norden sina vansinniga påtryckningar för tyska Taurusleveranser till Ukraina och krig mellan Tyskland och Ryssland.

[Bild från kanslersämbetet: Olaf Scholz hälsar på oppositionsledaren Friedrich Merz i tyska förbundsdagen
efter att ha lagt sin budget 13.11 2014.]

German Physicians call on citizens to mobilize against WW3

In an unprecedented initiative, the German association of medical doctors „Hyppocratic Oath“ (not identical with the official physicists association) has issued an online call to preserve peace and stop the drive into World War 3, preventing most of all a change of government at this critical moment which would bring Christian Democrat Friedrich Merz to power—a war hawk that wants to deliver the Taurus cruise missile to Ukraine and prevent incoming US President Donald Trump to implement his peace diplomacy. Remarkable is that the call urges Scholz and his Social Democrats to do the allegedly unthinkable and accept the Alternative for Germany and the Wagenknecht party voting for Scholz to stay Chancellor.

(Full text of call below)

New German Green party leader: Merz is closer to us on foreign policy

Reflecting the orchestration of a pro-Merz/pro-war orientation of the German Greens, new party co-chair Franziska Brandtner declared yesterday that in terms of foreign policy, particularly support for Ukraine against Russia, Christian Democrat Friedrich Merz was closer to the Greens than current Chancellor Olaf scholz and his Social Democrats.

Brandtner thus made it public that the Greens may actually vote against Scholz in the Dec. 16, confidence vote, and vote for Merz to take over—potentially instantly in a no-confidence vote, with the early elections then called off and having a new government of warmongers in place even before Trump takes office on January 20.


Documentation of full call by the German Physicians on citizens to mobilize against WW3:

Peace in Europe – the prerequisite for life and health – is under massive threat. Each of us can and should do something now to preserve peace in Germany!

Please call the members of the Bundestag from the CDU/CSU, AFD, BSW and FDP in your constituency or in Berlin immediately so that they leave their party boundaries aside and – as a vote of conscience, so to speak – express their confidence in Olaf Scholz on 16.12.24 on the vote of confidence, which will be held on 11.12.24, even if he can then only govern with a minority government until Sept. 2024. Only then will the US president-elect have enough time to implement his peace efforts.

If he does not receive the confidence, the election will take place on 23.2.24. It is almost certain that the warmonger MERZ will then be elected chancellor, as the CDU is currently ahead in the polls with 34% and unfortunately most Germans are still not really aware that this is no longer about SPD or CDU, traffic light or AFD, but most likely about (WORLD) WAR or PEACE.

If he does not receive the trust, the election will take place on 23.2.24. It is almost certain that the warmonger MERZ will then be elected chancellor, as the CDU is currently ahead in the polls with 34% and unfortunately most Germans are still not really aware that this is no longer about SPD or CDU, traffic light or AFD, but most likely about (WORLD) WAR or PEACE.

In order to give the announced peace efforts of the upcoming US president the time they need, we must prevent the elections from having to be brought forward and MERZ from becoming chancellor NOW. He wants to escalate the Ukraine war before then and drag Europe and the whole world into a global war.

For this to succeed, Chancellor Scholz must also be prepared to be supported by votes from the AFD and BSW! This must also be campaigned for. Anyone who takes an undemocratic “firewall” more seriously than war or peace will have a lot of blood on their hands in the foreseeable future!

Olaf Scholz wants to prevent a world war and is therefore holding back the delivery of Taurus weapons to Ukraine, which can only be operated by German soldiers!!!! He is thus preventing Germany from entering the Ukraine war. At least that’s how Putin sees it and it’s only Putin’s point of view that matters here.

Scholz 22.11.24 at the “demo” municipal congress in Berlin against the Taurus deliveries from approx. min.4:

Merz, on the other hand – like the FDP and the Greens – wants to escalate the Ukraine conflict and thus risks a conventional or nuclear world war, which will only benefit the arms industry and send millions or billions of people who do not want war to their doom. Merz also wants to bombard Russia and is calling for the release of German Taurus cruise missiles for strikes against targets on Russian territory. Ukraine must “be able to defend itself comprehensively and it must also be put in a position to attack the Russian army’s supply routes on Russian territory”, said Merz. FDP parliamentary group leader DÜRR announced on 20.11.24 that he would table a corresponding motion in the Bundestag. . https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/fdp-will-im-bundestag-ueber-taurus-lieferungen-abstimmen-108.html.

IT’S VERY URGENT: The Bundestag is likely to vote on the delivery of Taurus missiles for Ukraine as early as next week. Merz is thoroughly untrustworthy when he declares today (25.11.2025) via the Bild newspaper that he will not agree to the FDP motion, as he has been calling for the deployment of the Taurus missiles for months.

In addition to your telephone calls, please email the members of your constituency in the Bundestag today and raise this issue too, so that Germany as a whole does not fall victim to undemocratic firewall thinking, which could lead to the burning down of the whole of Europe. In any case, they should be reminded of their obligations under the Basic Law (the German constitution–ed.) .

!!! CALL!!! Please take action NOW to preserve peace: WE CITIZENS CAN AND MUST PREVENT A WORLD WAR!




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