Lördagen den 19.2 höll Schillerinstitutet en internationell dialog: “100 sekunder före midnatt visar Domedagsklockan: Vi behöver en ny Säkerhetsarkitektur”. Använd denna länk för att se konferensen på Youtube efteråt.
Subject: The current strategic crisis between the United States and Russia, with its potential thermonuclear end, threatens all of humanity. A new security architecture must be established, one that will guarantee the right to security and the economic and cultural development of all nations.
Task: We must reverse the doomsday clock by addressing the causes of war:
The fatal, hyperinflationary explosion of the trans-Atlantic neoliberal financial system.
The Anglo—American elites’ deadly fantasy that they can forever impose their “rules-based order” on the world.
The Schiller Institute is holding this urgently needed dialogue to address the causes and cures of the great global crisis.
Talare: Panel 1: “Who and what are driving the rush towards world war? How close are we?” (Sat., February 19)
Moderator: Dennis Speed (US), The Schiller Institute
Keynote: Harley Schlanger (US), The Schiller Institute: “What Happens After D-Day? Will Russia Invade Ukraine?”
Natalia Vitrenko (Ukraine), Chairwoman, Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (PSPU): “Ukraine’s Role in Present World Affairs”
Col. (ret). Alain Corvez (France), International Consultant, former Counselor for the French Defense and Interior Ministries, “Evaluation of the Strategic Situation; a French Perspective”
Jens Jorgen Nielsen (Denmark), former Moscow correspondent for the Danish daily Politiken; author; Director, Russian-Danish Dialogue and assistant professor, communication and cultural differences. Niels Brock Business School: “Why We Need a New Security Architecture”
James Jatras (US), diplomat, former advisor to U.S. Senate Republican leadership: “The Evolution of NATO in the Post-Soviet Period”
Shakeel Ahmad Ramay (Pakistan), Political Economist: “Imran Khan’s Proposal for Pakistan to Mediate the U.S. and China”
Q&A Session
Talare: Panel 2: “Crafting a new strategic architecture: The Russian-Chinese Feb. 6 joint agreement, the World Land-Bridge economic development perspective.”
(Sat., Feb. 19)
Moderator: Dennis Small (US), Ibero-American Director, Executive Intelligence Review
Keynote: Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany), Founder and chairwoman of The Schiller Institute: “Long-Term Survival: A New International Security Architecture”
Dr. Wang Wen (China), Executive Dean, Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies; Professor of Silk Road School, Renmin University: “The China-Russia Agreement of Feb. 4, 2022”
Alejandro Yaya (Argentina), Civil Institute of Space Technology: “Argentina Joins the Belt and Road Initiative”
Graham Fuller (US), 25-year career as a CIA operations officer, author: “The Validity of the Concept of Spheres of Influence”
Dr. Carlos Gallardo (Peru), President, Christian Democratic Party of Peru: “Development Is the Name of Peace in South America”
Tony Magliano (US), Internationally syndicated Catholic social justice and peace columnist: “War Is Not Inevitable! We Have a Moral Obligation To Save Afghans from Starving! The Need To Create a New, Human-Centered Paradigm”