Internationell offensiv mot krigshökarnas attacker på yttrandefriheten.

Internationell offensiv mot krigshökarnas attacker på yttrandefriheten.

Ulf Sandmark berättade på Schillerinstitutets onsdagsmöte den 21.8 2024 om förföljelsen av Scott Ritter & Lyndon LaRouche:


Scott Ritter har också själv berättat om FBI-razzian mot hans hem: Han talar här på Internationella Fredskoalitionen/Humanity for Peace den 16.8 2024 på Zoommöte. Strax innan på samma video talar Helga Zepp-LaRouche om FBI-razzian mot Lyndon LaRouches och hennes hem 1986 med 400 tjänstemän från FBI och andra myndighet med pansarvagnar och krypskyttar. Det är dessa slags attacker på yttrandefriheten som gör att vi kan hamna i världskrig. Både Scott Ritter och Helga står på den dödslista som Ukrainas presidentkansli och Nato har skapat för att inte bara skrämma journalister, politiker och forskare till tystnad och också fysiskt tysta motståndare. Bland de många andra som står på Ukrainas båda dödslistor från “Centrum för att motverka desinformation” (CCD) och “Fredsförespråkare” (Myrotverets) finns även svenskar. Ulf Sandmark själv tillsammans med fredsforskaren Jan Öberg stod på den första listan med endast 70 personer där Helga Zepp-LaRouche sattes som nummer 2, för att i nästa version sättas högst upp.

Svenska regeringen samarbetar skamlöst med inte bara för regimförändring i olika länder utan också direkt med det mordiska CCD genom myndigheten för psykförsvar. Se: Mordförsöket mot Trump var inte bara mot Trump utan mot hela presidentämbetet och demokratiska valprocessen i USA. Trump hade hemma i Florida just träffat Ungerns premiärminister Orban och var indragen i arbetet för att öppna för fredsförhandlingar om Ukraina för att få stopp på kriget. Mordförsöket mot Slovakiens premiärminister Robert Fico, som är vän med Orban, skedde bara en månad innan. Han stod på Ukrainas dödslistor som Nato hjälpt till att skapa för att eliminera dem som de anser vara ”Informationsterrorister” som ”desinformerar” och inte följer Natos narrativ om Ukrainakriget. Det visar att det internationella AB Mord är igång för att diktatoriskt driva igenom kontroll av Västvärldens länder.



Varför gick demokraterna Robert Kennedy och Tulsi Gabbard över till Donald Trumps valkampanj?

Det har i båda fallen att göra med demokraternas, underrättelsetjänsternas, medias och myndigheternas förtryck av yttrandefrihet och demokratiska rättigheter. I sitt tal  som svar till Trumps inbjudan tog Robert Kennedy strid mot AB Mord och sabotaget mot valsystemet så att ingen kan låtsas om att de inte vet hur myndigheter saboterar demokratin i USA! Han skall tillsammans med Trump, sätta igång en undersökningskommission av mordförsöket på Trump vid valtalet den 13 juli i 2024 staden Butler i Pennsylvania. Denna kommission ska också ta itu med mordet på president John Kennedy 1963 för att frisläppa alla dokument som fortfarande skyddar FBI:s roll i det mordet och i sabotaget av mordutredningen.

Robert Kennedys tal är ett enormt viktigt tal för att väcka världen och skydda fredsförespråkarna! Observera att samarbetet mellan Kennedy och Trump började dagen efter mordförsöket, då Trump arrangerade ett samtal med Robert Kennedy. Trump tyckte uppenbarligen att det nu måste bli slut på FBI.s mördarapparat som hotar presidenter och presidentkandidater och därmed hela den amerikanska demokratin. Just innan Trump skulle avgå som president 2021 var det många som krävde av honom att hela utredningen på mordet av president JFK 1963 måste offentliggöras, men Trump backade. Ett sådant offentliggörande hade troligen omöjliggjort för FBI att organisera mordförsöket i augusti i år, men nu har Trump tydligen förstått att han måste gå samman med Robert Kennedy för att kunna göra det.

När Tulsi Gabbard tillkännagav sitt stöd för Trumps valkampanj betonade hon främst att Trump som president inte startade något krig och tog diskussion med svåra motparter för att först och främst komma fram till fred. Mot slutet tog hon, precis som Robert Kennedy, upp möjligheten att tillsammans med Trump få stopp på myndigheternas privatiserade övergrepp mot yttrandefrihet och demokratin i USA.


Se talet av Robert Kennedy här:…/why-i-am…


Se Tulsi Gabbards tal här:  


Läs mer på svenska om dödslistorna som med stöd från svensk myndighet riktas mot svenska medborgare:  


Ukrainas dödslistor skapade i Danmark en stor debatt och även från andra länder uttalade sig de utpekade, t.ex. Tulsi Gabbard. Se Jan Öbergs artikelsammanställning här:

Jan Öberg har beskrivit CCD-listan som både trist/sorglig och absurd komiskt när de kallar 1300 meningsmotståndare för ”virus” och ”bakterier”. På denna utvidgade CCD-lista finns nu ett 20-tal svenska personer, publikationer och organisationer som i många fall inte har med varann att göra men helt oacceptabelt betraktas av Ukraina som mindre värda än djur. Bland dem är t.ex. Sven Hirdman, Roger Richthoff, Agneta Norberg, Anders Romelsjö, Magnus Stenlund, Jimmy Åkesson, och fd Europaparlamentarikerna Peter Lundgren och Malin Björk. Här i detta inlägg länkar Jan Öberg till CCD-listan. Klicka där på Sverige på kartan så får du fram de svenskar som nu dödshotas av ukrainska myndigheterna under Natos och svenska myndigheter överinseende.:


En beskrivning av detta internationella AB Mord har satts samman i en dossier utgiven av EIR: Stoppa Tredje världskriget: Avveckla det internationella AB Mord. Läs den på engelska:


Scott Ritter to FBI: “I Will Not Be Silenced”

On Aug. 7, the FBI and other federal agents raided unannounced the home of Scott Ritter, a former Marine, former United Nations weapons inspector, member of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), and one of the most outspoken adversaries of the U.S. policy of permanent war and regime change. Ritter has been a frequent guest at events of the Schiller Institute and of the International Peace Coalition (IPC). At the Aug. 16 IPC Zoom meeting, he presented the reason for the war party’s efforts to silence him. Excerpts follow.
“I personally believe that we are confronting one of the greatest existential threats to the continued existence of humanity in terms of the looming threat of nuclear conflict between the United States and Russia…. I’ve been speaking out about the threat of nuclear war for some time…. a nation where democracy has been corrupted by a permanent military-industrial complex that is wedded with the United States Congress. We are a nation addicted to war; our economy requires war. So in order for America to continue to exist, we must be constantly in search of conflicts that feed the military-industrial complex.
“If you speak out against this, you are then targeted as the enemy. I have been targeted as an enemy of the United States. Last week, my home was raided. Not by 400 special agents , but by over 20; an unpleasant experience to say the least.
“My crime is no crime at all. They’ve accused me of failure to register as a foreign agent under the Foreign Agent Registration Act. Why haven’t I registered as a foreign agent? Because I am not a foreign agent; I am a journalist. I am a member of the press. I am a loyal American. I work for myself and my duties and loyalties are to the United States of America exclusively. I’m somebody who took an oath to uphold the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic….
“What are they afraid of? They’re afraid of the fact that I’m calling out the government on the lies that they are telling about the conflict in Ukraine… and about Russia itself; feeding the disease of Russophobia…
“This is a very dangerous mode of operations that the Justice Department and the FBI are trying to impose on us. I remind people that free speech is just that; free speech. There can be virtually no limitations to it. Yes, you cannot jump up in a crowded theater and shout, “Fire!”; but you can call out the government for bad policy. In fact, it is the duty and responsibility of American citizens and a free press to do just that….
“The Biden administration has openly acknowledged that they selectively declassified intelligence that they know is wrong, that they know is not complete, for the purpose of disseminating it to the American people to shape the debate. The American people are being deceived by the government about a conflict in Ukraine that, because of this deception, blinds the American people to the dangers, and could lead to nuclear war. Therefore it is the duty of a free press to speak out.
“And that’s what I do, and that’s what others do. And now they’re trying to silence us. So, I would just ask that everybody to be awake to what’s happening here. As Helga said, had people rallied around Lyndon LaRouche when his home was raided, maybe these excesses wouldn’t be taking place today. There’s a lot of people out there who don’t like me. I don’t care; I really don’t. I don’t wake up in the morning and wonder about how people like me or not. I didn’t take an oath to be your friend; I took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States….”

Why LaRouche was targeted (Varför LaRouche skulle tystas.)

The Long-Term Financial Forecast of Lyndon LaRouche That Anticipated Current Events

August 21, 2024

Last week was the 53rd anniversary of the fateful Aug. 15, 1971 televised policy speech by then-U.S. President Richard Nixon, which announced the end of the fixed-rate international financial system, and the beginning of the era of runaway speculative destruction of the world economy. It is useful to focus attention on the implications of that decision of half a century ago, for the global military, financial and cultural crises which economist Lyndon LaRouche uniquely forecast.

On Aug. 14, 2021, the LaRouche Legacy Foundation issued an invitation to its conference “On the 50th Anniversary of LaRouche’s Stunning Forecast of August 15, 1971: So, Are You Finally Willing To Learn Economics?”, which recalled what President Nixon had announced:

“1. The dollar was being taken off the gold exchange standard: the dollar would no longer be redeemable in gold;

“2. A floating exchange rate system would replace the existing fixed exchange rate international monetary system;

“3. A temporary wage and price freeze would be instituted in the U.S., which quickly became Phase I, II and III drastic austerity measures. Although Nixon announced these measures purportedly to rein in financial speculation against the dollar, they in fact opened the floodgates to the most massive, lengthy speculative binge in the history of mankind, coupled with physical economic collapse — which continues to this day.

“The August 15, 1971 announcement was the most far-reaching and catastrophic economic policy decision of the 20th century in terms of its consequences down to the present. One economist, and one economist alone, called it. He warned that it was coming and explained what it meant within hours of its announcement. That man was Lyndon LaRouche.

“LaRouche spent the next five decades warning that, if those policies were continued, the world would head into a systemic breakdown crisis and the likelihood of fascist economic policies. All the while he presented detailed programs to reverse the crisis, based on the idea of peace through development and on fostering the productive powers of labor of every person on the planet.

“For this, LaRouche was reviled and unjustly imprisoned for five years. His policies were not implemented in the trans-Atlantic sector, and the planet today is paying the price for that folly in the form of a hyperinflationary blowout, an uncontrolled and deadly pandemic, and the danger of thermonuclear war.”

Lyndon LaRouche was right then, and the solutions he proposed remain just as valid today.


FT admits unsustainability of the bubble: The Dollar-Yen Carry Trade and Why the Bank of Japan Backtracked

August 21, 2024

As we reported in the last issue (cf. SAS 32-33/24), a minimal increase of interest rates by the Bank of Japan, from 0% to 0.25%, was the trigger for the stock market meltdown worldwide in early August. The fact that such a micro change in the cost of money by a G7 central bank could unleash a systemic crisis indicates that the system is highly dysfunctional, to say the least.

The BoJ move, indeed, prompted the unwinding of what is called the “dollar-yen carry trade”, a multi-trillion speculative market which used money borrowed in Japan at zero cost, to invest in dollar-denominated assets. An article on Aug. 7 in the Financial Times comes close to the truth, admitting that no one really knows the size of the yen carry trade, but that it’s huge, possibly running into the trillions of dollars, and that the problem isn’t over.

The article reports that “the global unwinding of the world’s biggest ‘carry trade’ has the potential to destabilize markets further,” and goes on to explain that the “cheap fundraising in yen [has been] pouring into everything from emerging market currencies such as the Mexican Peso to Taiwanese equities, real estate and U.S. tech stocks.” Hedge funds are among the biggest speculators in the carry trade.

Although FT doesn’t bother to mention it, when there is a vast reversal of carry trade funds, developing sector countries and other recipients suffer a hemorrhaging of funds that can destroy their economies. A wave of bankruptcies then becomes a very real possibility.

So the turbulence began with the surprise interest rate increase by the Bank of Japan, and a lot of bets were forced to unwind. Benjamin Shatil, a currency strategist at JPMorgan in Tokyo, told FT that this “still has some way to go”, while Osamu Takashima, a currency analyst at Citi, said that “the current adjustment is only the beginning of the end”.

The turbulence stopped when, on Aug. 7, BoJ deputy governor Shinichi Ushida announced that there would be no further interest rate hike in a context of “unstable financial and capital markets”. In other words, central banks are doomed to keep the global financial bubble alive by pumping ever more liquidity into the system, thus increasing the hyperinflationary potential that ultimately will destroy the system itself.



Läs mer:    RFK Jr.’s Policies + Politics | Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. | Substack

As President, I will end the forever wars, clean up government, restore the middle class, and tell Americans the truth. #Kennedy24. Click to read RFK Jr.’s Policies + Politics, by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a Substack publication with tens of thousands of subscribers.

Läs mer

RFK Jr.’s Policies + Politics | Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. | Substack

As President, I will end the forever wars, clean up government, restore the middle class, and tell Americans the truth. #Kennedy24. Click to read RFK Jr.’s Policies + Politics, by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a Substack publication with tens of thousands of subscribers.


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